Domain Management Program - Neuchâtel

Purpose To present the possibilities of the program management SAMinfo businesses.

Special features website visible on all media. Video demos of how SAMinfo.

Domain Barfuss Joinery Ltd - Geneveys-sur-Coffrane

Purpose Highlight the qualities and services of the company.

Special features News Module. Easy management. Easy pictures galleries.

Domain Plastering company - Peseux

Purpose Purpose Highlight the qualities and services of the company.

Special features Menu page-specific services. Image management and image galleries all over the site. Block news.

Domain Printing and layout - Savagnier

Purpose To present the work and highlight the various services

Special features Creation of "buttons" services. Management galleries. Various blocks news.

Domain Micro machining company - La Chaux-de-Fonds

Purpose Present and highlight the qualities of mu-DEC SA.

Special features Still in progress.

Domain Sport - Dombresson

Purpose Present players, future games, junior teams, the football environment.

Special features Managing a large gallery of images. Rollings Menus. News.

Domain Sale and purchase of goods, shops, advice - Neuchâtel

Purpose Present the company. Promote sales and purchases of goods by the web.

Special features Easy management of new products by the customer. Logo design and all the graphic line.

Domain High precision machines - La Neuveville

Purpose Present the machines created by the company PEMAMO SA. Show the possibilities of the company to other future clients. Countries that are already present in connection with PEMAMO SA.

Special features Galery of pictures. Presentations machines. Google Maps. Galleries videos. Multilingual website and internationally.

Domain Sloped roofing and waterproofing- Gorgier

Purpose Present the various departments of the company, Roofing Loertscher.

Special features Gallery images. Management of sub-menus.

Domain Renault garage - Fontaines

Purpose Present services and special offers from the company.

Special features Presentation of new cars or opportunities on the site.

Domain Sale TV, multimedia equipment, HiFi - Cernier

Purpose Present the company. Highlight offers and Achievements of the company.

Special features Photo gallery. Newsletter. Management news, offers.

Domain Painting and screen printing - Corcelles

Purpose Present the products by the company. Show the possibilities of the company to future clients

Special features Flash gallery

Domain Carpentry - Chézard-St-Martin

Purpose Present the services of the company. Picture gallery constructions.

Special features Site worked transparency

Domain Guggen music - Neuchâtel

Purpose Present members of the clique. Show dates of upcoming events as well as souvenir photos.

Special features Galleries - Membership Categories - Site Redesign total - Secure access for members - Gift for our company click

Domain Audio-Video - Neuchâtel

Purpose New Webdesign. Menu changes. Updated content.

Special features Added page RSS news.

Domain Installation of aluminum blinds - Chézard-St-Martin

Purpose Show its presence on the market. Site budget - Create a simple logo.

Special features Download catalog - Image Gallery.

Domain Sheet metal - Cortaillod

Purpose Create an attractive and effective website.

Special features Highlighting the video ads.

Domain Repair of roads and highways - Dombresson

Purpose Create a space and visually impeccable informative for visitors. Simplified content changes. Images highlighted.

Special features Embedded videos. Newsletter created space. Managing updates easier.

Domain Farm - Villiers

Purpose Highlight the farm Métairie-Aarberg.

Special features Content management facilities. Photo gallery.

Domain Jazz Festival - Auvernier

Purpose Create an attractive space for visitors. Simplified content changes. Updates calendars.

Special features Space selling tickets online. Newsletter integrated site. Videos. Photos.


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